Philly Restaurants Shouldn't Have to Compete With Wawa For Liquor Licenses
As part of the last-minute burst of legislating in Harrisburg, Jan Murphy reports the PA Senate passed another round of liquor modernization legislation that, among other things, would allow beer distributors to sell six-packs.
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David Oh Staffers Fined for Violating Ethics Rules
David Oh's office got smacked with yet more fines from the Ethics Board for doing political campaign work on city time, reports Tricia Nadolny.
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Council Report Card: Week of October 24th
In which Derek Green and Bobby Henon propose rules regulating the locations of medical marijuana dispensaries; Mark Squilla proposes allowing more housing near the future Rail Park; Maria Quiñones-Sánchez, Kenyatta Johnson, and Bill Greenlee (for Darrell Clarke) transfer some more public properties to the Land Bank; and Cindy Bass calls for hearings on increasing City WiFi access.
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Q&A: Attorney Cheryl Gaston on the Zoning Board's Role in Philly Development and Planning
As part of our ZBA Draft campaign to elevate the conversation about Mayor Kenney's next Zoning Board appointment, we reached out to a few Philadelphians with deep practical knowledge of zoning to answer some questions about the Zoning Board's role in Philly development and planning.
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ZBA Draft: What qualifications should the next Zoning chair have?
Last month, we kicked off a ZBA Draft effort to bring some more public attention to Jim Kenney's upcoming choice of the next Zoning Board chair.
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DA Candidate Joe Khan Speaks on Reforming Civil Asset Forfeiture
At Philadelphia Magazine, David Gambacorta has an important read on the state of play of civil asset forfeiture reform in Harrisburg, where a well-intentioned bill has been watered down to the point of near-meaninglessness.
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PA House Advances Bill Regulating Uber and Lyft
Uber and Lyft took one step closer to legal status in Philadelphia yesterday, as the Pennsylvania House unanimously passed a long-stalled bill legalizing and regulating the popular ride-hailing apps.
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Council Report Card: Week of October 17th
This week's Council Report Card is coming to you late because Council didn't post last week's bills on Legistar until yesterday--five days later than usual.
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Council to Vote on Neighborhood Improvement District Just for One Building
City Council could vote this Thursday on two improvement district bills that couldn't be more different: a Neighborhood Improvement District for the W and Element Hotels now under construction at 15th and Chestnut, and a traditional Business Improvement District for the Italian Market. Both bills offer some lessons for how we can improve Philly's economic climate.
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Philly Schools Losing Money With Ride-Hailing Bill Expired
Harrisburg politicians are costing Philly schools money by letting ride-hailing services lapse back into illegal status.
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