Running for committeeperson is an excellent way to contribute to the success of Philadelphia within your political party. I have been a Deomcratic committeeperson since 2014 and I invite those who are looking for ways to take action to run in the next election (May 2018).
Even if you are not sure you want to run yet, stay connected to this event invite for updates, reminders and resources to help you make the most of the opportunity.
Tuesday, February 13, 2018 is the first day committeeperson candidates can circulate nomination petitions. You can pick up the petition and street list (list of registered voters in your division) in Room 142 of City Hall. You'll need a minimum of 10 signatures, normally collected by going door-to-door, but I recommend that you secure at least 30.
Find your Ward and Division here:
From Committee of 70's Committeeperson Manual:
Nomination petitions are documents signed by registered voters who live within your division and belong to the same political party as you. Nomination petitions show that there is enough support for a candidate to require the City Commissioners to print the candidate’s name for that party’s nomination on the primary ballot.
Nomination petitions may be picked up at the City Commissioners’ offices. It’s also common for candidates for committeeperson to receive nomination petitions from their ward leader or their party’s City Committee.
You can download the full version of Committee of 70's Committeeperson Manual here:
Deadline for the 2018 Primary Election:
Tue, February 13 First day to circulate and file nomination petitions
(13th Tuesday before the primary)
Tue, March 6 Last day to circulate and file nomination petitions
(10th Tuesday before the primary)
Tue, March 13 Last day to file objections to opponent’s candidacy
(Seven days after the last day for filing nomination petitions)
Mon, April 16 Voter Registration Deadline for the Primary Election
(30 days before the election)
Tue, May 8 Civilian absentee or alternative ballot applications DUE at 5P (Tuesday before the election)
- February 13, 2018 at 9:00am – 5pm
City Hall
1401 John F Kennedy Blvd
Room 142
Philadelphia, PA 19102
United States
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