You already ran your first successful campaign to win your committee person election this May. Now it's time to run your second successful Get Out the Vote operation, and get your voters out to the polls on Election Day this November 6th!
On October 16th, join us for a discussion and workshop with experienced committee people and campaign pros where we'll break down the pieces of an effective division-level GOTV operation, compare notes on what our wards are doing to mobilize voters this fall, and discuss ways to use door-to-door canvassing to continue building our influence as committee people in future elections.
Confirmed participants include Jen Devor (36th Ward), Jon Geeting (18th Ward), and more TBA. Watch this space for additional presenter announcements!
- October 16, 2018 at 6:00pm – 8pm
Pipeline Philly
30 S 15th St
15th FL
Philadelphia, PA 19102
United States
Google map and directions - 15 people are going
Jon Geeting

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